Sharni Aikins


Thursday 18 October 2012

Best Brand Tips From Quotes

I had a very interesting lecture on branding and what it means to be a brand. It is clear that the ever-changing sales and marketing techniques are adapting through magazine pages, website ads, on social media. Many brands have to adapt all the time to keep up to date with customer demand and future technologies. 

These are several quotes from business professionals and other respected influences that can be useful for brands and companies and give good advice on what makes a good brand. I found this very helpful when trying to start and build a brand for my own business idea for University.

“Create your own visual style… let it be unique for yourself and yet profitable for others.”
Orson Welles

“The stronger the dialog, the stronger the brand; the weaker the dialog, the weaker the brand.” 
Larry Webber

Part of the right marketing approach (and aiming for the right target) is sending the right message.

“A product can be quickly outdated, but a successful brand is timeless.” 

- Stephen King

Part of marketing to a target, and drawing that target towards a brand’s line is finding something special that separates them from other brands.

“Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it.” 
Thomas J. Watson Jr.

This highlights the importance of having a good relationship with clients and customers and making the relationship as personal and appealing as possible will always contribute to the success of a brand (or company).  Particularly for retail customers (and evenretail stores), the right marketing, product quality (distribution, etc. with stores/buyers) as well as brand involvement can make a big difference for business success and business sales.

“Don’t think about consumer needs in terms of product categories, but rather in terms of consumer experiences.” 
James Thompson 

This quote goes along the same lines; creating the best connections with consumers as well as using the right creative marketing tools can be very beneficial for a brand’s success, and again in business sales.

“The golden rule for every businessman is to put yourself in your customer’s place.” 
Orison Swett Marden 

The use of "knowing what sells" when it comes to brand and fashion business sales.

“Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind.” 
Walter Landor 

“Marketing is the art of meaningful differentiation.” 
John Lederer 

And finally!

“Brand value is very much like an onion. It has layers and a core. The core is the user who will stick with you until the very end.” 
Edwin Artzt 

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